Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to replay a scope in Oracle BPEL

An other useful tip is to know how to replay a scope from its begining.

There is an unknown bpel fault in Oracle which is the {}replay.
Generally, the namespace is called by the bpelx prefix. Then you can simply use the fault with :
<throw name="myReplayThrow" faultName="bpelx:replay"/>
You'll find the jdeveloper bpel process which shows how to use the replay fault here :

The fault makes your current scope returns to its begining as you can see on this shot :

It can really helps the bpel design avoiding to have to much complexity in a process.
Be careful since the replay fault is a bpel fault as shown in its name ! Therefore, it will be catched by a catchall on the current scope

Note : You can also use this fault with the faults policy manager in the, but you don't have to implement the retry logic since this is implicit.

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